COVID-19 Disability Employment Trends
The Office of Disability Employment Policy released “Employment of Persons with a Disability: Analysis of Trends during the COVID-19 Pandemic– Findings in Brief.” This report examines the unprecedented changes in employment for America’s workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic. It uses data from the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey to provide insight into key labor force statistics, employment across industries and occupations, and the effect of the easing of social distancing and the ability to telework on occupational employment change.
Executive Functioning Deficits
The Job Accommodation Network will present a webcast on “Accommodation Solutions for Executive Functioning Deficits” on March 17 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET. Executive functions are high-level mental processes or abilities that influence and direct more basic skills like attention and memory. This webcast will discuss accommodation solutions that address limitations affecting attention, time management, memory, hyperactivity, impulsivity and getting to work on time. It will include a live question and answer session.
Secondary Benefits of Competitive Integrated Employment
The Employment First Community of Practice webinar on “Secondary Benefits of Competitive Integrated Employment” is now available in the archive. During the webinar, researchers Dr. Paul Wehman and Dr. Katherine Inge discussed the impact of competitive integrated employment on economic, psychological and physical health outcomes for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This research covers the additional benefits and implications for participants and the communities engaging in CIE.
EARN Launches #DisabilityIsDiversity Campaign
Throughout March, the Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion is launching a “Disability is Diversity” campaign to help employers, HR, diversity and inclusion and other employment professionals understand the importance of expanding their DEI efforts to include people with disabilities, reflecting the growing trend toward diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA). Organizations and individuals are encouraged to participate by following and sharing EARN’s content on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and using the hashtag #DisabilityisDiversity to help amplify this important issue.
Policies in Practice Profile – Dana Washington
The Office of Disability Employment Policy posted a “Policies in Practice” profile of Dana Washington. In the profile, Washington, who lives with depression and dyscalculia, discusses her participation in the Workforce Recruitment Program while in college and how it lead to her current career with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
PEAT Future of Work Newsletter
The Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology published its Future of Work newsletter. This issue features resources on extended reality, including PEAT’s “Inclusive XR & Hybrid Work Toolkit,” two blogs focused on XR, upcoming conference presentations and more.
Disability Employment Resources for Staffing Firms
The Office of Disability Employment Policy and the American Staffing Association launched a webpage on “Disability Employment Resources for Staffing Firms” to help staffing firms create disability inclusive workplaces. This webpage provides information for employers who want to recruit, hire, retain and advance people with disabilities.
Healthcare Protections for People with Disabilities
In collaboration with the State Exchange on Employment & Disability, the Council of State Governments published a blog on “New Federal Guidance for Healthcare Providers on Civil Rights Protections for Individuals with Disabilities During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.” The blog explores recent guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights clarifying that civil rights protections for people with disabilities are in effect even during a national public health emergency. It explains that healthcare entities must consider a specific patient’s ability to benefit from treatment without disability bias.
State Policy and the Future of Apprenticeship
The State Exchange on Employment & Disability and the Council of State Governments webinar on “The Future of Apprenticeship: Inclusion, Expansion, and the Post-Pandemic World of Work” is now available in the archive. The webinar highlighted the efforts of Colorado, New Jersey and Ohio to ensure that apprenticeships expand into new fields and offer greater inclusion for people with disabilities.