Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)
OVR assists Pennsylvanians with disabilities to secure and maintain employment and independence.

How We Can Help:
CCastastasrth school students Community-Based Work Assessments, Career Exploration, Job Shadowing and informational visits to local businesses.
Individual/group classes under our Training & Transition program teach Independent Living & Work Readiness Skills that incorporate instruction with community experiences.
Practical Assessment Exploration System (PAES) provides simulated hands-on work skills samples in over 300 jobs in five career areas.
Employment Services incorporate Career Assessment, Job Find and Job Supports to help individuals explore, prepare for and maintain Competitive Employment.
Other available programs include Recreation Programs, Community Participation Supports, Early intervention and Support Services.
Contact Information:
Lonyta Varner,
Director of Community Integration,
Transition & Employment Services