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Community Supports

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How We Can Help:

  • Empowers people of diverse abilities to live a meaningful life through innovative support and services. 

  • Encourages and empowers individuals to learn, grow, develop relationships, and experience joy through our comprehensive array of programs and services.

  • Our forward-looking approach empowers participants to explore and embrace all life has to offer.

  • Provides support, resources, and access to competitive, meaningful employment for individuals of all abilities

  • Resume building, interviewing skills, mock interviews, and job shadowing

  • Career evaluations and assessments

  • Job searching, job finding, and job placement Onsite job coaching to learn and maintain the job

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Contact Information:

Blake Bilger

Huntingdon, Juniata, Mifflin, Perry, Cumberland, Dauphin, Snyder, and Union county.

717-247-2944 Ext. 519

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How We Can Help:

  • The HMJ Regional Collaborative created the EMPLOYMENT COALITION November 2018 to partner with provider agencies, schools, businesses, civic organizations and families

  • Provide information, resources and connections to identify leadership, training and technical assistance to support the concept of EVERYDAY LIVES for all citizens in the community.

  • People with disabilities want to have a good life, to live and work in the community.

  • Join us to create opportunities and initiatives to enrich the lives of individuals with disabilities through employment.

  • CLICK HERE for our Brochure!

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Join us ... Fourth Friday MONTHLY 10:30am Juniata Valley Behavioral & Developmental Services 399 Green Avenue Extended 2nd Floor LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM Lewistown PA 17044 PHONE: (717) 242-6467

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How We Can Help:

  • CCC envisions a community where personal dignity is honored, diversity is embraced and full inclusion is promoted in all aspects of life.

  • Services are individualized to meet participant’s interests and needs.

  • Transition Services offer high school students Community-Based Work Assessments, Career Exploration, Job Shadowing and informational visits to local businesses.

  • Individual/group classes under our Training & Transition program teach Independent Living & Work Readiness Skills that incorporate instruction with community experiences.  

  • Practical Assessment Exploration System (PAES) provides simulated hands-on work skills samples in over 300 jobs in five career areas.

  • Employment Services incorporate Career Assessment, Job Find and Job Supports to help individuals explore, prepare for and maintain Competitive Employment. 

  • Other available programs include Recreation Programs, Community Participation Supports, Early intervention and Support Services.

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Contact Information:

Lonyta Varner,

Director of Community Integration,

Transition & Employment Services


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How We Can Help:

  • housing assistance for those at risk of homelessness

  • utility assistance for those at risk of losing electricity/heating source

  • food resources for those in need

  • case management services

  • free income tax prep for those who qualify

  • fuel and heating assistance through the Energy Bank

  • assisting Veterans with rental and utility assistance

Making a difference one person at a time

Joining the community together

Helping to create collaborative efforts

Serving the needs of individuals



Contact Information:

Tammy Swartz

Mifflin Juniata Human Services


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