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Discovery Opportunity from The Penn State Autism and Developmental Disorders Collaboratives

The Charting the LifeCourse Framework reminds us of the importance of supporting the person in the context of the family which means that we also need to support the caregivers. Below is an opportunity to learn more and connect with other stakeholders on the topic of supporting caregivers of young children with Autism to implement behavioral interventions.

For more information from the UMKC LifeCourse Nexus about ways to explore and create a vision and high expectations for the good life in early childhood across life domains, check out the Focus on Early Childhood Quick Guide in the Life Experience Series from UMKC LifeCourse Nexus:

Upcoming Monthly Seminars

The ASD@PSU seminar series brings university stakeholders together to discuss innovative work, explore new potential collaborations, and provide input into strategic initiatives in support of the autism community. The series will alternate sites where it is hosted with all meetings available via Zoom.

December 2, 2020 Virtual Seminar “Supporting caregivers to implement behavioral interventions for young children on the autism spectrum”

Noon-1:15pmTracy Raulston, Ph.D., BCBA-D Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education, Penn State University Zoom link: Register here:

ASD@PSU Seminar Series 2020/2021 Schedule Occurs the 1st Wednesday of each month from 12:00-1:15pm (also available via Zoom)

January 6, 2021 – Virtual Only/Speaker TBD February 3, 2021 – Virtual Only/Speaker TBD March 3, 2021 – Virtual Only/Speaker TBD April 7, 2021 – Virtual Only/Speaker TBD May 5, 2021 – Virtual Only/Speaker TBD

If you are interested in being a speaker for one of our ASD@PSU seminars please contact

PA’s Community of Practice (CoP) for Supporting Families uses Charting the LifeCourse framework and principles with the aim to achieve the strategies listed in the Information Sharing Advisory Committee (ISAC) Recommendation #4: Support families throughout the lifespan.

For more information about Pennsylvania’s Community of Practice for Supporting Families and the PA Areas of Innovation please visit:

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