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Let's Talk and Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Join a Youth and Young Adult Advisory Meeting!

Community Care is a nonprofit managed care organization. We oversee behavioral health

care services and programs. Our belief is that behavioral health recovery is possible and that

all individuals should have a voice in their treatment.

Purpose of Youth and Young Adult Advisory Meetings

• Improve mental health and substance use disorder services.

• Assist in development of helpful new programs and services.

• Ask questions, share information, and make recommendations.

• Get the Youth and Young Adult voices heard and captured

Who can attend?

• Community Care Members: an individual who has Medicaid (Medical Assistance).

• Reside in one of the 41 counties that is Contracted to Community Care

• Youth and Young Adults ages 14 to 26

• If you have questions about eligibility, email is at the bottom of the page

Compensation for Participation

• $30 for attending the entire meeting. Please bring your Vincent card to all meetings. If this is

your first meeting, a Vincent card will be issued to you.

• Compensation for attendance is provided only to individuals who are currently covered by

Medicaid through Pennsylvania’s HealthChoices program.

All meetings will be held virtually please

contact me with registration information.

Upcoming YAYA

Meeting January 27th

3:30pm to 5pm

* Attendees must register at least one week before each meeting

at Jodi Foster

Youth and Young Adult Recovery Consultant


Join my FaceBook Page:

Youth and Young Adult Committee


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